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How To Get Shiny Hair

August 1st, 2021

How To Get Shiny Hair?

Hair is one of the most important elements of our appearance when we are giving impressions. Dull and dry hair could not be a favour to anyone. Shiny, glossy and lively hair though, is an appealing factor for others to find you attractive. However contradictorily, common hair habits to glam up your hair like chemical treatments, hair color or even bleaching and heat styling worsens the quality of your hair. Fortunately there are ways to restore your hair, so here you are to get back your shiny and healthy hair. Take Good Care Of Your Scalp Remember that your scalp is skin too. Product build-up, dead skin cells, and environmental impurities can put a halt to your shiny hair goals. Gently remove any gunk with a foaming sugar scrub to help restore your scalp and maintain an environment where your hair can thrive.

Use Clarifying Shampoo

Normally, do not over-shampooing which would strip the natural oils out of your hair that help keep it healthy and strong. Yet for times when you need to hit the refresh button, like after a dry shampoo streak, a clarifying shampoo rids hair of excess product buildup that blocks its shine.

Moisturizes Your Hair

Just like your skin glows when you moisturize them, your hair also loves adequate moisture. While you wash your hair, incorporate a lightweight conditioner filled with nutrient-rich oils like avocado or olive oil that help smooth out the tiny cracks in the hair follicle that often contribute frizz and dullness. For extra sleekness, treat your hair to a hydrating hair mask once a week.

Wash With Cold Water

Experts confirmed that a cold-water blast can help seal in shine and minimize excess frizz. Cool water seals cuticles, which keeps your hair shaft laying down, resulting in shinier hair. As a bonus, this also keeps color in the hair longer too.

Invest in a Hair Oil

To repair and moisturize hair from the outside in, use a lightweight hair oil. A little bit on damp ends goes a long way, 1–3 pumps is truly all you need. It works the best when you use it after washing, moisturizing the hair ends when they are still moist.

Finish Blow-dry Your Hair On Cool Setting

Air-drying can not only preserve your delicate strands but enhance your natural texture too. Rough-dry the hair 80% with a high heat setting, then brush to smooth and shape with medium heat. For finishing, switch to the cool setting on your blow-dryer to set the shape and provide extra shine. A note to remember that a brush should never touch sopping wet hair when it is at its most vulnerable to breakage and frizz.

Get Shiny Hair While You Sleep

Air-drying can not only preserve your delicate strands but enhance your natA humidifier can help add extra moisture to dry strands while you chill out indoors. Add mint, jasmine, or lavender oil drops to your humidifier while you sleep, especially in cooler weather when hair gets dry and frizzy would be an asset to your hair care routine. Not only smells amazing, but it gives your humidifier an extra boost to combat the dryness in the air.

Cope With Your Diet

Healthy, shiny hair starts from within and a long-term commitment to a well-balanced diet. Whether you take a multivitamin or consume them through your food, consider a diet full of vitamin A, vitamin C, silica, and omega-3 fatty acids to support shiny hair growth.

You should invest in your hair!

  • Take Good Care Of Your Scalp
  • Use Clarifying Shampoo
  • Moisturizes Your Hair
  • Wash With Cold Water
  • Invest in a Hair Oil

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